How Does DAM Help Remote Teams Succeed?

Teams deserve collaboration tools that work, wherever they may be.

Remote work/the new normal/hybrid office. Call it what you want, today’s workplaces are a lot less reliant on physical space and in-person projects than they were a few years ago. 

The benefits of this shift are numerous, but many workers are still feeling the strain of planning, executing, and delivering projects whilst working in disparate teams. Difficulties with collaboration and communication remains one of the biggest struggles of remote working, indicating a pretty unanimous fatigue with the messaging and teamwork apps we’ve all come to know well. 

As organisations strive to find ways to keep remote workforces engaged and productive, digital asset management (DAM) solutions are presenting a welcome antidote. DAM platforms help to bridge the gap between remote teams—whether 10 or 10,000 strong—and enable them to collaborate effectively. 

Let’s take a look at the ways DAM helps remote teams succeed. 

Cloud-based solutions solve accessibility issues.

Ensuring everyone has access to the files and assets they require can be a challenge when you use in-house servers or hard drives. Manually finding, downloading, and sending individual assets to remote teams is a prohibitively difficult task, which can increase tenfold if you’re working with especially large files, such as videos. 

Cloud-based DAM solutions ensure everyone has the ability to securely access, upload, download and share the assets they need to continue working efficiently—wherever they are in the world. Aetopia’s feature-rich platform also makes uploading assets possible for third-parties, who can be provided with their own secure upload link for the DAM platform.

Portals allow for easy, safe sharing.

With portals and micro-sites, you can give teams and partners selective access to assets even if they’re not a user of your DAM. These portals can ease the pressure of remote stakeholder meetings or press conferences as users know all third parties have easy access to the assets they need, in the correct dimensions and quality.

Portals also offer organisations a way to showcase their assets, perhaps when physical exhibitions are not possible. Micro-sites can be easily branded, so teams can upload select, relevant assets to showcase to third parties. Virtual galleries are a great way for organisations to get the most out of their assets whilst remaining remote.

Protect digital assets from accidental changes and deletion. 

Accidents happen, even more so when we’re working in unusual conditions. DAM platforms often back-up assets in real time and keep rigorous change logs, so you have peace of mind that every digital asset in your DAM is protected.

Watermarking capabilities can also help control access and usage rights, ensuring no assets are inappropriately used whilst teams aren’t in communication with each other.

Aetopia DAM for remote teams. 

Aetopia DAM has all the features needed to help remote teams create and collaborate at maximum efficiency. Our delightfully intuitive platform is easy to navigate, as we believe SaaS offerings should help, not hinder, your team (wherever they are!).

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