Aetopia Environmental Policy
Statement of Carbon Neutrality
Aetopia set out to become Carbon Neutral by the end of 2023. We analysed our carbon emissions for the year in the following areas:
Office premises - electricity for cloud computing and day to day operations, gas for heating
Business travel - flights, bus, train, vehicle fuel & taxis
Commuting - cars, public transport
In 2023, we emitted 25 tonnes of CO2e (15 tonnes in 2022, 5.6 tonnes in 2021). This trend is expected as employees returned to more hybrid working since the COVID 19 pandemic.
Our goal was to become Carbon Neutral by the end of 2023 - to achieve this, we offset our carbon emissions by planting 25 trees in Northern Ireland via the Carbon Footprint website. The project plants in school locations and other biodiversity sites, supporting wildlife habitats whilst sequestering carbon emissions. For each tCO2e offset, one tree is planted in the UK and an additional tCO2e is offset through a VCS Tree Buddying project to guarantee the emission reductions.
We also encourage our employees to:
- Use Fairtrade products in the office, i.e. coffee, tea, chocolate, sweets, snacks
- Recycle single use and soft plastics, paper, cardboard, glass & cans
- Ditch single-use plastic for reusable cups and containers for lunches and coffees
- Use public transport and cycle to work
- Use electric and hybrid vehicles
- Turn down the heating
- Switch off lights and appliances
- Power save on laptops and monitors
Tree Planting Certificate
Issued by, this certificate shows the continuing commitment made by Aetopia to its carbon neutrality in 2023.